Support Centre - Create New Product

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Navigation: Inventory + Products + Create New Product

This page enables you create your products and services. Please note that, if you cannot see the create new product link, you either don't have access to create products or product creating is not enabled in your inventory settings ( Inventory + Settings - set the field named Allow product create to Yes and click save). For role related issues, contact your super admin to assign you to a role that will allow you create products.

Find bellow the fields for product creation;

1. Product name

2. Description

3. Features

4. Category (list from product categories entered earlier)

5. Reorder level (a number, when stock level gets to, system prompts you to restock product)

6. Shelf number

7. Expiry date

8. Units (description of units the product comes in e.g. Packs, Pieces, Boxes, cartons, sachets, tablets, etc.)

9. Starting stock (number of products in stock you are starting with)

10. Maximum Quantity (helps you avoid overstocking and enables you generate a report with expected reorder quanitity)

11. Reserve this Quantity

12. Purchase Price

13. Selling Price

14. Wholesale Price 1

15. Wholesale Price 2

16. Wholesale start Quantity (activates wholesale price when when quantity ordered reaches the quantity set in this fields, e.g. if 50 is set here, when a customer buys up to 50 units if this item, the rate changes to the value in  Wholesale Price 1

17. Has Serial Number? - this applies to products like electronics and phon numbers that have serial numbers, setting this value to Yes will enable the use of serial numbers meaning, items will have to be entered by their serial numbers so as to enable you sell and process your stock using serial numbers. An exam is; you have a product such as a phone model with IMEI numbers 00001 through 00010, and you want to be able to know which serial number is being purchased and sold. You need to first set this value to Yes, then create this product with 0 stock as starting balance. After saving click the product to navigate to the details page, find the serial number tab and add the serial numbers one after the other (you will see the stock level increasing) alternatively, you can upload the serial numbers using Microsoft Excel also in the serial number tab. Upon doing this, you can then sell and make purchases using serial numbers and the exact serial numbers will be added to and taken out of stock.

18. Barcode

19. Calculate stock? (Set Yes for products and No for services

20. Vatable (Yes if item is vatable, No if item is not)

21. Tax (%)

22. Does Rate include VAT (If item's selling price is already inclusive of VAT set this field to Yes, otherwise,set it to No). Pease note that if the value is Yes, the VAT or tax will show in invoices but won't add to the grand total, if No, the VAT or tax will be added to the grand total and therefore will increase the grand total.

23. Weight in KG (useful for determining shipping rate for online delivery)

24. Primary Product (used to tie two products e.g a piece of egg to a crate of eggs. This is so that when a sale of a piece of egg is made, it takes it out of the crate. To do this, you will create 2 products; Eggs Crate and Eggs Pieces with their details. Make sure you create Eggs Crate first. When creating Eggs Pieces, set Eggs Crate as Primary Product, unit coversion shoud be 30 9 i.e. 30 pieces make on crate and conversion type should be Pack to Units)

25. Unit Conversion

26. Conversion type

27. Status (This applies only when you have are using our e-commerce plan. Setting this value to Public means, this product will be displayed in your swiftcloud ERP e-commerce webpage)

28. Negotiable (also applies to the ecommerce settings. It sets the rate as negotiable when set to Yes)

29. Ad Category (also applies to the ecommerce settings. Contains a list of categories supported by our ecommerce global site)

30. Online Selling Price (rate you intend selling this product online)

31. Percent off Selling Price (percentage off the rate you intend giving to customers for this product online)

32. Allow Direct Online Payment (Yes, would mean that online customers can buy this product online with their Cards or other mediums of payment).

33. Sales Account (accounting settings for this product  - select sales revenue)

34. Purchase Account (accounting settings for this product  - select sales cost of goods sold)

35. Inventory Account (accounting settings for this product  - select inventory account)

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