Swift Cloud ERP Support Centre


Navigation: CRM - Leads

You can create profiles of leads or prospective customers using this module. Additionally you can also create a leads funnel or lead steps - steps that make up your sales process. This enables your sales team move leads down the sales funnel in order for you to know which step all leads are.

Create New Lead

Navigation: CRM - Leads - Create New Lead

This page enables you create a new Lead. All you need to do is fill the form and click the Create button at the bottom of the page and swift cloud ERP will redirect you back to the List of Leads.

Lead Steps Setup

Navigation: CRM - Leads - Lead Steps Setup

This page enables you create Leads acquisition steps also known as a sales funnel; a set of steps all prospective clients pass through for a sale to be closed. You are expected to create them here, then when creating a new lead, you can choose which of the steps to place the lead. You can also change the step as you make progress with the lead. It may serve as a tool for qualifying your leads with a view of enabling you know which step in the sales process your leads are.

Edit Leads Step

Navigation: CRM - Leads - Leads Steps Setup - Edit Leads Step

This is where you edit the details of a Leads step. You will find the existing fields made up of the name of the step and the order of presentation (a step with the value 1 means, the step will be presented first, the value 2, will be the second and so on)

Delete Leads Step

Navigation: CRM - Leads - Leads Steps Setup - Delete Leads Step

This is where you delete or remove a Leads step. Upon clicking the link, you are navigated to a confirmation page where you either click delete to confirm your action or click "Back to List" to take you back to the list of Leads steps.

Disable Leads Step

Navigation: CRM - Leads - Leads Steps Setup - Disable Leads Step

This link enables you disable a step from your Leads Steps. This will prevent the step from being displayed in the Leads page. Users will therefore not be able to add leads to the step. Conversely, you can also use the same link to enable a step that has been disabled. The enable icon is a thumbs up while the disable icon is a thumbs down.
