Swift Cloud ERP Support Centre


Welcome to Swift Cloud ERP Courses! Here, you can enhance your understanding of Swift Cloud ERP through various video courses. Below are guidelines on how to navigate the platform as a user and as an administrator.

For Users:

1. Accessing Courses:
   - Log into Swift Cloud ERP.
   - Navigate to the main menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
   - Click on "Start a Course" and select "Courses" from the submenu.
   - If courses are available, you'll find them listed here.
   - Each course has an enrollment button and a course details button.
   - You can also watch the course introduction to decide whether to enroll or start the course.

2. Enrolling in a Course:
   - Click on the enrollment button for the desired course.
   - After enrollment or clicking on the course details link, you'll be redirected to the course chapters page.

3. Navigating Course Content:
   - On the course chapters page, you can view each module, chapter, or lesson.
   - Use the navigation bar or the next and previous buttons below the video panel to move through the content.

   - You can read or post comments after each chapter, module, or lesson.
   - To demonstrate your understanding of each module, practice and record what you've learned.
   - Share your recordings on YouTube or any video service and share the link.
   - The administrator will review your recordings, and the best ones may be rewarded.
