Support Centre - Accounting - Cash Request

Swift Cloud ERP >> Accounting >> Cash Requests

This sub-module enables staffs make cash requests. Its depends on Cash Request workflow in the HR Settings (HR + HR Settings). The Cash Request workflow is a set of steps that is followed from the point where request is made for cash to the point payment is made. Once this is done, then a staff can log into Swift Cloud ERP, click his/her profile, navigate to Cash Request and click Create New Cash Request to start the process.

Creating Cash Request

1. Log into Swift Cloud ERP

2. Click My Profile + Cash Request and Create New Cash Request

3. Fill the form: Notes, Date, Select Dept Head and add the first item your are requesting for, its quantity, rate and beneficiary (You need to choose between staff, vendor) and click the save button. If you have multiple items to add, don't worry, upon saving, you will be redirected to a page where you can add more items as well as upload any attachements tied to your request

4. Click Submit.

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Swift Cloud ERP >> Accounting >> Cash Requests