Support Centre - Appointments: Schedule appointment and issue access passes

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The appointments module of swift cloud ERP is essentially used to schedule appointments. All staff with access can create appointments pending the confirmation by an approving party. Upon approval, swift cloud ERP notifies both visitor and host as well as  it creates a pass that can be accessed by security at the gate.

The system also assigns visitors tags and keeps log of all entry and exits. It supports both individuals and group visitors. It is very useful in control environments and can assist in tracking security breach.

An example use-case; Mr Doe works in a company that uses swift cloud ERP. This company doesn't allow visitors without appointments into its premises. Mr John a contractor, booked an appointment for a particular date and his request was granted. Mr Doe than logs into swift cloud ERP and create a new appointment, specifies the date, the names of people coming including pictures where necessary. Upon submitting the request, an approving party (Mr Doe's boss) approves (can also rescinds approval) and enables notification, which leads to a number of things;

Firstly both Mr. Doe and Mr John receive SMS/Email messages informing them of the approval, the date and any other necessary information, secondly; the names of the visitors (Mr. John and co) are added to the appointment schedule accessible to the security officers at the gate.

On the date of the appointment, Mr John and co show up at the gate, the security personnel can see their details in the visitors' appointment list, the can issue the visitors tags and check them in. If the visitors need to come in and out during the visit span, they are always given tags, checked in and checked out.

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