Support Centre - Edit Customer

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Navigation: CRM - Customers - Edit Customer

This page enables you make changes to an existing Customer's profile. All you need to do is type in the changes in the the form and click the Save button at the bottom of the page and swift cloud ERP will redirect you back to the List of customers.

Details of the customer form fields include;

1. Customer's name

2. Contact address

3. Phone number

4. E-mail address

5. Customer category (created in the CRM - Customers - Categories)

6. Starting balance (also known as accounts receivable balance; i.e a value the customer is owing you as at time of entry or amount you owe the customer. Please note that in a situation where you owe the customer, the value must be prefixed with a minus sign (-) and where the customer has no balance, enter 0.

7. Credit limited for customer (insert 0 if you the customer does not qualify for this).

8. Account details: bank, account name,  and account number.

9. Date of birth

10. Name of staff that enrolled the customer

11. Date created (date you acquired the customer. If you leave it blank, the system will pick today's date

12. Isactive? (active means the customer is actively while inactive means you are disabling the customer so the customer details will not be shown in the customers page

13. Mode of acquisition

14. Enable in online store - this assumes that you have an online store (an active e-commerce subscription and want to allow this customer access it. if you select yes, an email is sent to the customer with logon details, while selecting no will not send details by SMS

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