Support Centre - Making a sale

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Navigation: for customer sales, CRM - Customers - New Sale or New Sale (Date).  while for walk-in customers, click Inventory - Sell. 

There are 3 steps in Invoice Creation or Making a new sale. Firstly, you click New Sale to start the process, secondly, you add items to cart and lastly, you complete the order and print out your invoice.

Step 1: Start.

Clicking New Sale starts the sales process, it uses the server's date as transaction date and generates a  random reference number for the invoice.

Clicking New Sale (Date) enables you insert a date, a due date and a reference number. If you leave the invoice reference blank, the system will generate a random number for you. Remember that both options are done from a customer's profile.

Anonymous Sales are sales to walk-in customers that don't require their profile being created. This is a popular practice in shops that sell fast moving products such as supermarkets, restaurants, pharmacy stores, etc. Swift cloud ERP places all those sales under a customer named anonymous. You can however type in a name that will be displayed in the receipt or invoice before completing the order.

Step 2: Add items to cart;

Please note that you have 2 options to add items to cart; Invoice view and POS view. Invoice allows you type in item name, enter qty, rate, etc. while POS view allows you, click product categories to list all product in that category or use a barcode scanner for sales. Your choice in the Sale View field found in the inventory settings will determine which of them you are presented with. You can select your preferred sales option in Inventory settings (Inventory - Settings) choose between invoice and POS views.

Step 3: Complete order

When do adding items, you need to insert the amount the customer is paying, account the money is payed into, discount; if applicable, name of staff that issued the invoice, payment schedule; if applicable, and select invoice options before clicking complete order.

Please Note the following: 

1. Invoice options include;

a. Post and Pay: items supplied and paid for

b. Pay only; items paid for, not supplied

c. Post only; items supplied, not paid for

d. Post and Pay (Credit); this shows only when a customer has a credit balance. Selecting this option means; items supplied and customer is paying from his balance. In other words, the customer made an earlier deposit and wishes to pay from there.

e. Pay Only (Credit); this shows only when a customer has a credit balance. Selecting this option means; items have not been supplied and customer is paying from his balance. In other words, the customer made an earlier deposit and wishes to pay from there.

f. Save draft; this saves the invoice as a proforma awaiting processing (payment and supply)

2. Discounts; the discount boxes show only when the company admin assigns the role "Discount" to a user.

There are 3 types of discounts; product discount, product category discount and invoice discount.

Product discount: these are discounts preset for a product. An authorized user can create different discounts with a range and a date span such that when a customer's order includes the product and the rate is within that range, the discount amount is automatically calculated and displayed beside the product waiting for the sales person to apply. 

Product category discount: these are discounts preset for a product category. An authorized user can create different discounts with a range and a date span such that when a customer's order includes the product category and the total rate is within that range, the discount amount is automatically displayed beside the product waiting for the sales person to apply.

Invoice Discount; is applied on the invoice sun totaland allows authorized users to either type in an amount or a percentage to be given as discount.

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