Support Centre - Warehouses

Swift Cloud ERP >> Stock Transfer >> Warehouse to Branch

A warehouse in swift cloud ERP is a part of the Inventory module. It is a storage location for a branch of a business. Stock can be received from the main Warehouse and transferred to and from the warehouse

Let's look at 2 use-cases.

1. ABC Nigeria LTD may have 2 branches, Abuja and Lagos. Both Abuja and Lagos have 2 warehouse each. Abuja; Lugbe and App warehouses while Lagos has Maryland and Ikeja warehouses.

2. A gas station, AMD Petrol may have 8 tanks with each segment associated with a dispensing nozzle. We may have the 8 of them created under warehouses; Nozzles 1 through 8.

This way of separating the stock makes for better organizing your data. Firstly, you can associate a salesĀ  representative to that warehouse or storage location, secondly, you can easily track stock movement as well as cash generated from the warehouse or storage location.

Creating warehouses includes 3 new sub menus to the Stock Transfer menu, they are; Branch to warehouse, inter Warehouse and Warehouse to branch transfer.

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Swift Cloud ERP >> Stock Transfer >> Warehouse to Branch