Support Centre - Selling or making sales

Swift Cloud ERP >> Accounting >> Account Dashboard

They are 2 types of sales; Anonymous sales and customer sales. Anonymous sales are sales to walk-in customers. This type of customers don't require their profiles being created. The second type is customer sales, in which case, you create the customer's profile. The former is recommended in shops when you don't necesarily need to keep records of your customers while the latter is recommended espcially in wholesale settings, where credit sales is allowed or when you need to keep a customer list.

How to make an anonymous sale:

Navigation: Inventory + Sell

This takes straight to the list of products where you can add the various products to cart and check out

How to make a customer sale:

Navigation: CRM + Customers + New Sale or New Sale (Date)

This takes you straight to the list of products where you can add the various products to cart and check out

Sales View: This is a page presented when making sales. Swift Cloud ERP has 2 different sales views; the first is POS view while the second is Invoice View. Both can be used to make sales depending on the type of Business and user preference.

Sales View Navigation: Inventory + Inventory Settings.

Set the Sales View to either Invoice or POS to choose your preferred view.

POS View: This view is suitable for Businesses with few products and also for businesses that use touch screen devices to enter sales such as Restaurants and Bakeries. This is because, it is optimized for touch. It features your product  categories on the top of the screen in the form of buttons, which when clicked loads all the products in that category below for them to be added to cart. Additionally, you can use the search box to type product keywords or even scan you barcode scanner to make a sale.

Users then have 2 options; to either select the quantity, rate and add to cart or click the product name to get to the details page where they are presented with more options such as; adding a note to product being sold, serial number sales, product attributes sales (if supported), warehouse sales, they can also select the customer category to determine which price applies, etc. and click add to cart.

Invoice View: This view allows you type in the product you intend selling, select all important fields such as warehouse, rate, quantity, determine whether the product is added as a promo item and add to cart.

Completing an Invoice

After adding Products to cart, you need to complete the order after viewin the summary: These are the things to notes:

1. Discounts: They are 3 types of discounts

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