Support Centre - Inventory - Settings

Swift Cloud ERP >> Inventory >> Inventory Settings

This sub-module allows you to determine the properties of products in the inventory such as VAT, Withholding Tax, Expiry Date and  the contents of generated Purchase Invoice which includes Invoice header, Invoice Footer, Payment Conditions, and Invoice Paper size.

Inventory Settings allows you to select an invoice option, set up your expiry date in months,it allows you to rate for you to be able to edit or have a fixed price, it allows you to enable product creation or disable product creation. 

You can set-up sales references / purchase references to yes or No. It allows you to set up your sales view to either POS view, Invoice view or Wholesale view.

It also allows you to set customers enrolled view.

It allows you to set up your VAT, withholding tax and other fees where applicable. The inventory settings finally allows you to set up the invoice header, terms and condition and the footer.

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Swift Cloud ERP >> Inventory >> Inventory Settings