Support Centre - Inventory - Reports

Swift Cloud ERP >> Inventory >> Inventory Reports

This page allows you to automatically generate and print all inventory related reports which includes Sales, Purchases, Customer/Supplier Refunds, Starting Stock, Updated Stock Reports e.t.c.


There are over 20 inventory reports which are: 

Sales Report: these reports allows you to check total sales done for a particular date, period or time.

Sale's Advance: these allows you to check comprehensive reports for branches and subsidiaries. It also helps you to check for a particular date, time or period. 

Coverage Reports: these allows you to check reports of sales by various staff for a specific period or time. It also shows the total customer total sale's as well as invoices generated to customers.

Sales Thermal Printer: These allows you to generate sales report based on the thermal printer available in the store or office.

The report can also be generated based on date for a particular date,time or period.

Sales by staff percentage:  These allows you to generate reports of staff who are based on commission or who are entitled to some benefits e.g commission on sales.

These allows you to generate reports of staff who are based on commission or who are entitled to some benefits e.g commission on sales

Sales Profit By Staff%: These report shows the percentages based on the profit gained by the staff

Sales Summary: Sales summary shows the summary of sales for a particular day, period or time.

Purchases: These reports allows you to view all the purchases made for a particular day or period.

Purchase Summary: Purchase summary shows brief details of purchase made within a period of time.

Product Summary: These shows the product the company or business has which is not detailed.

Product/ services details: These shows a comprehensive report of product details which is more  elaborate than the product summary.

Product List: Product List shows the list of all the products that has been entered into the system.

Low Stock Report: Low stock report shows the list of products that are getting low and needs to be restock. That is why it is important to setup re-order level for products so once the stock reaches that level, a notification pops up as a message on that system requesting you to restock.

Starting stock main: These report generates the starting balance for the main branch. It is important for you to know that you could have more than a branch and also have warehouses. So, the starting stock main gives you balances for the main and not branches or warehouses inclusive.

Starting stock( Attribute): Starting stock Attribute allows you to generate the balances on products that has different characteristics like colour, sizes etc. some products has different brands ( e.g Gucci) has bags, clothes, shoes, wrist watches.

Price list- These reports allows you to generate and see the prices of all your products entered into the system.

Stock report by main: These are report generated for just the main branch excluding the branches or warehouse.

Stock report by date ( All): This  is a stock report generated for all the branches including warehouse if applicable to show the stock level of each branch and warehouses.

Warehouse report by date: Warehouse report are generated for company or businesses that has warehouse created. This means that the stock level of the warehouse can be checked without interfering with the main store or branch.


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Swift Cloud ERP >> Inventory >> Inventory Reports