Support Centre - Customers

Swift Cloud ERP >> CRM >> Customers

Navigation: CRM - Customers

This page manages all customer-related information . You can create a new customer, edit details of existing customers, create and manage customer categories and groups. You will also be able to send a message (email or sms) to individual customers or a category of customers, create and manage, view customer invoices, enter customer payments, products return, cash refund, orders, view customer invoices, and print customer list. The call memo features enables you to enter summaries of communication with customers and set appointments.

User Actions

1 Create New: This enables you to create new customer

2. More: Clicking this link opens a pop up with a number of other user actions namely; 

a. Categories: This enables you create different customer categories. You can then select the category when creating or editing a customer's record. Businesses categorize their customers differently; some use size; wholesalers, retailer, etc. Time; January customers, 2022 customers, etc. Business type; Government, private, etc.  

b. Groups: Customer groups can be created using this link. Groups unlike categories enables you to add a customer to multiple groups. Groups can be created based on product sales; fast moving, slow moving, etc. Brand; Unilever, PZ, P and G, etc. 

c. Send Message: This is used to send an SMS or email to a category of customers.

d. Call memo: This is a summary of all entries in call memo (summary of communication with customers entered) shown for the day.

e. Excel: This enables you upload your customer list from an excel template. Swift cloud ERP has a template you can download and use as a guide to organize your existing customers in for upload.

f. Balances: This opens a list of customers and their balances for printing or downloading

g. Print: Enables you print out your customers list

3. Search: You can search using 4 options; firstly, type a customer's name, phone number, email or category in the search box and click search to get a list of customers that match your search parameters, secondly, you can click the list of customer categories on the left hand side of your screen, theirdly, you can search by customer groups (also on the left hand and lastly, search customers by their statement of account; credit customers are colour-coded green, debit or owing customers; red while zero customers (with zero balance) are blue.

Search results: In the list of customers, each customer has a set of icons that represent different user actions;

a. Edit; used to make changes to leads information such as name, contact details, etc.

b. Send SMS or Email; used to send an SMS or email to this lead. You will be expected to type in the message and click the send message button. Please note that you need to fill the subject field of it's an email, ignore if it's an SMS.

c. New Sale Date; this enables you start the process of invoicing this lead. Upon clicking this link, the next page that opens will be a page to put in the reference number for this order, the date and the due date of this invoice and subsequently you will move to the products list page where you add your products and services to the invoice. More about this in the invoice module.

d. New Sale; this enables you start the process of invoicing this lead. Upon clicking this link, the next page that opens is the  products list page where you add your products and services to the invoice and complete the order.

e. Notification summary; just below the above actions are a few notification for this lead. There are; number of phone call, emails, messages, direct physical visit, last time the lead was contacted and the last transaction carried out.

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Swift Cloud ERP >> CRM >> Customers