Support Centre - Payroll - Deductions & Allowances

Swift Cloud ERP >> Payroll >> Deductions & Allowances

This page functions as a means to reward staff members for great performance or serve as a deterrant to work related misconduct through the means of deductions. Deductions can come about as a result of many reasons which could include missing items, lateness to work, incompete tasks within requested period of time e.t.c.

Also rewards can also be as a result of sales commission, monthly allowances etc.

Beneficiaries should be setup before creating new record in deductions and allowances. Setting up beneficiaries is done on the same page.

Manage Beneficiaries: to create beneficiaries, click on manage beneficiaries and create new. This could be anything based on the reward system or deduction system of your organisation. eg could be lateness, data allowance, sales commission etc.

Deduction and Allowance: to create deductions and allowance, click on create new, select the month, year, staff number, enter the narrative, amount, earning type and beneficiaries and then create. There is also an excle template which can be downloaded and filled and uploaded at once for organisations with a lot of staff.

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Swift Cloud ERP >> Payroll >> Deductions & Allowances