Support Centre - Inventory + Products

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Navigation: Inventory + Products

Every business has the product it sells or services it renders. The inventory module gives you the ability to keep record of your stock, monitor the stock level, stock movement, expiry dates, reorder levels, etc.

They are also many product related tasks you can carry out in this page.

Search: You can search either through the search box or by clicking product categories or product groups. Using the search box, type in your search parameters (product name, shelf number, category, barcode, etc.) and click search. While a click in the specific product group or category will return the products/Services that meet your search parameters.

Create New Product: this link enables you create a new product or service.

Create New Category: You can categorize your products for better organization. This link enables you do just that. Please note that you need to first create product categories before creating the products or services. This is so you can select the product category in the cause of creating your products. Product categories could be brand names, product type, product sizes, etc.

Create New Product Group: Product groups are another way of categorizing your products/services. It however differs from product categories because, whilst a product or service belongs to only one category, product groups allows products to belong to multiple categories.

Delete Purchases: Clicking this deletes all purchases made from vendors. This is a super admin task and is usually done when you want to reset the software to start over.

Delete Sales: Clicking this deletes all sales made to customers. This is a super admin task and is usually done when you want to reset the software to start over.


Reset: This deletes all starting stock and clears product serial numbers. Reset is a super admin task and usually done with sales and purchase deletes.

Excel: This page enables you carry out bulk actions using Microsoft Excel file such as uploading your product list, updating product prices, uploading product starting balances and uploading product attributes.

Each of the above actions presents you with an excel template to guide you. For instance, to upload products, you have an excel template as a guide. Simply download it, fill it and upload as Microsoft Excel 95 to 2003 workbook. Similarly, to update product prices, you can download the price template, fill in the prices and upload again.

Import: This enables you move products from one Business branch to another.

Edit Product: This enables you make changes to product details such as making corrections to spelling errors, prices and any details that requires a change. If you have multiple branches and you are logged on to the head office, you can choose to apply the changes you are making to other branches by selecting all the branches you wish to apply your changes to.

The inventory+ products allows you to add case count/ wholesale start quantity 

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