Swift Cloud ERP Support Centre

Credit Offers

Credit Offers, a feature within Swift Cloud ERP, streamlines access to credit facilities from financial services partnered with our platform. Financial Services can effortlessly create offers, provide required information and terms, include loan services, and submit them for approval. Upon approval, the offers become readily accessible in the Credit Offers section of Swift Cloud ERP.

To create a Credit Offer, ensure you have completed the following steps:

1. Prerequisites:
Navigate to the Banking module's sub menu called "Offers." If you cannot locate it there, access it through the Admin menu: click "My Menu," go to "Banking," select "Offers" from the drop-down menu, and add it to your banking module.

2. Set Up Loan Services:
Within the Banking module, create your loan services. Provide details such as the main amount, tenure, interest rate, maximum amount, and other relevant records.

3. Activate Banking Module:
Access the Banking Module by purchasing it from our marketplace. Ensure you have an active Swift Cloud ERP account. After purchasing, add the Banking Module to your menu by navigating to Admin > My Menus. Scroll down to find the Banking Module and click the "Enable" button to display it on your main menu.

Creating a New Offer:
Log in to Swift Cloud ERP, go to the Banking module, and select the "Offers" sub menu. Click "Create New" to initiate a new offer. Fill out the form with details such as the offer name, title, and other required information, then click the "Create" button. Once created, click the offer name and add loan services at the bottom of the page.

Please note that only users with Admin, Super Admin, and Account Admin roles have access to and can create Offers.

Processing Offer Applications: The involves reviewing and potentially advancing applicants' requests without guaranteeing loan approval.

To access applications, log in and navigate to Banking > Offers. Select the desired offer to view its applications; the number of applicants will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Click the "applicants" button to access the applicant list. Depending on your offer configuration, you may have options to view payslips and process applications for each applicant. Clicking the process button will transfer the applicant's data to your client list and generate a loan application for further evaluation.
