Swift Cloud ERP Support Centre

HR - Human Resources Management

The Human Resources management module of swift cloud ERP is a comprehensive team management software. It is made up of 3 keys components;  managing staff's records in electronic form, performance enhancement/productivity features and a self-service portal.

HR - Excel Upload

This sub-module enables users upload Excel documents. 

Roles on Swift.ng-HR Admin

The HR Admin role has access to the entire HR modules, the field on HR settings are filled in by this user.

Roles on Swift.ng-HR User

The HR user has access to all sub-modules on HR and except the settings 

HR - News

This page fuctions as a News/Update board. Every new/update within the company is displayed on this page to be viewed by staff memebers. There is a date and time stamp under each created news that shows exactly when it was created.

HR - Dashboard

The HR dashboard allows you to view at a glance the number of your company's team members, your Departments, Your KPI's and several others. To access the dashboard simply click on 'HR' and select the dashbaord from the drop down list.


HR - Settings

HR settings enable you to setup Categories, Departments, Banks, Pension provider and many more for you company. This setup is essential for the proper running of Swift.ng online ERP.

HR - Team

This page enables you to create Team members or staff of your organization. You will also be able to edit and disable (in case of death,suspension, etc.). You can also creat different categories of staff, assign them to departments, set grade levels, steps, send them SMS during birthdays, new month, new year and special occasions at a click. Other features include: staff work plan, work done, departmental access restrictions, KPI (key performance indicators) and process their salaries.

HR - Tasks

This Page shows the viewer in a graph and text the status of tasks assigned to a staff member. If complete or incomplete. The details shown include Staff, Date, Note, Status, Last Updated and Priority of the tasks assigned to the staff. A search bar by date above allows one to narrow down the search to specific periods of time.

HR - Send Message

This page simply functions as a message sender to different departments in the organization. You simply type in the subject of the message and leave blank if it's to be an sms, select the recipients, type the content of the message and click on the send button at the bottom of the fields.

HR - Reports

This page is used to generate reports on staff members. The reports include Official Information, Personal Contact information and Sureties/Referees.

